Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.
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What’s in the preservatives?

The preservatives are DMSO-free and contain combinations of sugars, sugar alcohols, and amino acids in the optimal ratios to protect cells.

How do I use the preservatives?

Each preservative is designed for a specific cell type and comes with an optimized protocol.

Can I use a Mr. Frosty or CoolCell?

Yes, but passive freezing devices do not offer the same control as a controlled rate freezer.  As a result, using these solutions with a passive freezing device will result in lower post thaw recovery and greater variability. 

Do I have to incubate the cells in the preservative before use?

Yes, the incubation time in the protocol is designed for optimal cryoprotective action of the preservatives on cells. Otherwise cell viability, recovery and/or function would be considerably lower.